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Tiger Fly Panel Metallic Shell By Sarah Watts

Tiger Fly Panel Metallic Shell By Sarah Watts

Product Information

Tiger Fly Metallic Ash by Sarah Watts 

Gossamer 24" x 45" Panel.

The natural world is the main inspiration for Sarah’s designs. “Going camping in the mountains, or even just going to a garden, or walking through the old, Victorian neighborhoods of Atlanta is so inspiring to me"


    Expected to Ship until April

    Additional Information

    Product TypeYardage
    Fabric CollectionTige Fly
    Fabric DesignerSarah Watts 
    Fabric Manufacturer

    Ruby Star Society 

    ThemeContemporary, Modern, Metallic 
    Fabric Type100% Cotton
    Fabric Width44/45"
    Image Scale11" x 11" swatch of fabric
      PriceFrom $6.50
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